New England Federal Credit Union (NEFCU) has decided to consolidate many of their operations into the purchase of 88 Technology Park Way, Technology Park’s most recently constructed and architecturally prominent office building.
The core & shell of this 54,000 square foot building has already been completed to the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standard. All of NEFCU’s interior fit up will be designed to achieve LEED Certification as designed by Freeman French Freeman Architects, and ReArch Company will be acting as the construction manager.
ReArch Company and Technology Park Partners will be leasing back approximately 8,000 square feet of office space from NEFCU at 88 Technology Park Way to accommodate continued growth by both companies. Our new office space will be designed by S2 Architecture to achieve LEED Gold Certification and ReArch Company will be the construction manager.
To learn more about Technology Park, please visit